KFP and I are still housebound, recovering from colds. I'm feeling much better, except for a lot of nose-blowing. My Kung Fu Panda's appetite has returned, and he's still coughing but sleeping much better
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I came up with this topic myself. The idea: they keep remaking beloved movies. Why not remake some movies that really need some work? Hence, Please Remake These '80s Movies
While I'm not posting here much until I finish with tomorrow's big Wild Violet reading (8 p.m. at MilkBoy Coffee in Ardmore -- please come), I have done a couple things for Yahoo!
I feel like I'm perpetually running behind with no hope of catching up. It doesn't help that things keep breaking! Today I had to take my Ford Focus into the shop for the same problem that troubled us three weeks ago. Right now, they're apparently trying to figure out why two alternators have gone bad on it in less than a month. At least they're
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And the hardest thing about writing this piece, "Out of the Celluloid Closet: LGBT Milestones in Film". was distilling it down to meet the required word count. I still regret leaving out "Ma Vie En Rose," "The Adventures of Sebastian Cole," and a number of others, but I
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